Roger 26th April 2020

Liz was my sister-in-law, a very feisty and caring lady. As a teacher she always looked for the "good" in even the most troublesome person or situation; as a local she supported many activities in and around Exeter; as a wife and mother she was a big part of the glue which held our families together. But over all she was a great friend. We first met in the early 1950's when she was living in "bachelor-girl" rooms in Exeter. (It didn't seem possible that anyone could plug so many devices into one socket - a sort of 240 volt jackstraw's castle). Our friendship evolved over the next 65 years, through good times an bad; through celebrations and grief; through holidays shared by Doug, Liz, Beryl and me (Liz was able to memorise the guide book and be our own valuable audio-guide); but most of all our friendship evolved through our "shared families" as our children grew up. (When we went anywhere together we made an instant crowd of 8 !)." It was always a huge pleasure to watch Alison, Roger, Ailsa and Sally building their own close relationships, forming bonds of enduring strength. Now Nigel and Cate join with us to watch Sam, Alfie, Ellie, Kk and Matt building up their own connections for the future. We all miss Liz and remember her in our own ways. I shall always remember the huge number of happy times we all enjoyed together, full of fun and laughter, achievements and promises for the future. I shall always remember her strength of character. I shall always remember her with love. Gordon x